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The best and worst job interviews in the movies

We’ve all had a bad interview at some point, and we all know that the feeling is horrendous. Watching someone else fail at an interview is, however, a guilty pleasure  – so here are 9 of the best and worst interviews in the movies from the past three decades.

1. Transformers: Dark of the Moon

(2011, Rated:12)

Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) struggles to cope as a fresh graduate settling down after the crazy student life – essentially the experience of every graduate! The only difference is that his degree involved a global war with Transformers.

What to take from this: Confidence can become cockiness very quickly, and you should probably be upfront with any involvement with authorities, especially the FBI!

2. The Imitation Game

(2014, Rated:12A)

Benedict Cumberbatch pulls out his crazy intelligence playing Alan Turing whilst Charles Dance looks menacing as a stern military interviewer. Turing is wildly intelligent and knows he is the only man to help crack the enemy communications.

What to take from this: Confidence can pay off if you’re super intelligent, quick-witted, and know you’re quite possibly the only man for the job, and that is very rare.

3. Step Brothers

(2008, Rated:15)

Probably the most infamous interview scene to date, and one which breaks quite possibly every interview convention there is, except dress code; and even that is debatable, is it really acceptable to wear a tuxedo?!

What to take from this: Remember the name of your interviewer, and if you forget don’t just guess – especially not by guessing kitchen utensils. Oh and don’t take your stepbrother into the interview, or anyone else for that matter.

4. Nightcrawler

(2014, Rated:15)

Jake Gyllenhaal plays Louis Bloom, a man who prays on death and misery by recording tragedies and accidents for news channels. In this interview, he is after an ‘intern’ to drive him to these sites of misery to make an easy bit of cash. Look out for warning signs of psychopathic employers!

What to take from this: Research your potential employer, and remember negotiating salary is acceptable sometimes, especially from £0 to £30, that’s a step in the right direction.

5. Mother’s Day

(2016, Rated:12A)

Jennifer Aniston plays Sandy, a busy parent down on her luck trying to get a job; unfortunately, she misses the interview and interrupts an event her potential employer is holding.

What to take from this: Plan out your day before the interview, if you know you’ve got to run errands, do it before, and definitely check your clothes are on the right way round.

6. The Devil Wears Prada

(2006, Rated: PG)

Meryl Streep stares down Anne Hathaway in this famous flick, illuminating the sad fact that sometimes employers simply don’t care and are too busy.

What to take from this: Making sure you are suited for the role is as important as making sure the role is suited for you, and reading up on the company’s products and services always tends to help.

7. Get A Job

(2016, Rated:15)

Miles Teller elaborates on his video production skills in this interview, and it’s all going well until he gets a text…

What to take from this: Turning your phone off is a good start. Try to finish arguments before an interview as it may interrupt your mental and physical capabilities, especially if your phone won’t stop buzzing. But definitely do elaborate on your CV in an interview, we can’t fault Miles for that.

8. Big

(1988, Rated: PG)

Let’s end on a classic, Tom Hanks plays Josh Baskin, a child in a man’s body, trying to deal with the adult world and in this scene, getting a job.

What to take from this: Remember your key details like National Insurance number – if in doubt, definitely don’t just add ‘12.’


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